Our Social Corporate Responsibility

Our Social Corporate Responsibility.
It’s obvious that the communities we live in need​s​ healing and the environment need change in terms of how we relate to nature, what we take from it, and the way that we relate to and care for each other. At Jenik tours we believe that through you our esteemed guests we can help deliver this change to our communities of the marginalized at the same time provide healing.

We express our gratitude to you our guests that have continued to trust and support us, and to our partners, we are so grateful. It has been you that has kept our commitment on the course, caring for the different communities and nature around us.

We further pledge to stand by our commitment to continue helping and inspiring those around us.

  • We will continue to protect wildlife and nature by making measured decisions, as we have done before.
  • We will continue to support groups of marginalized women in improving their livelihood and be able to take their children to school to attain education.
  • We will push forward and create opportunities for food for local communities that live around, ensuring children are well fed.
  • Around this time of the pandemic we will continue to sensitize the local communities on how to prevent the spread of COVID -19 and provide with some special preventive items such as surgical masks, soap for handwashing, and local made sanitizers.
  • We will continue to craft unique voyages that are impactful to our local communities. A chance for our guests to spend a day or two with the local communities, help in local projects and make some donations of scholastic materials, and provide sessions on malnutrition in children.
  • We will continue to support lodges and hotels that directly provide employment to the local people living around as a measure to improve their livelihood incomes and support them in buying their agro-products as food for the tourists staying at their properties.
  • We will continue to be part of the government environmental projects in restoring forest reserves that have been cut down illegally by charcoal burners.
  • With your help, we will continue to provide hope and support to the local communities around us and those surrounding major tourist attractions. We will also be taking part in various conservation projects in public-private partnerships.

Indeed, part of this success is as a result of your endless support, it is part of the proceeds we get that we use to deliver hope to so many human beings around us and also impact positively on our nature. From Jenik Tours –“We travel with a conservation mid.” Book Now

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