Semuliki National Park


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If you are looking for seclusion and untamed beauty during your safari to Uganda, or if you are now bored of dipping in artificial pools/Jacuzzi and willing to try natural wonders (in form of hot springs), then you should consider travelling to the magnificent Semuliki National Park. This natural treasure is often overshadowed by the irresistible lure of Kibale Forest and Queen Elizabeth National Parks. Chimpanzee trekking, guided nature walks to Sempaya hot springs, bird watching and game drives are the main draws to this jaw-dropping Protected Area.

The Size and Location of remarkable Semuliki National Park

For an area of only about 85 square miles, it can be said that Semliki is one of the tinniest National Parks in the country and is sitted along the Albertine Rift Valley (the side of the East African Rift Valley).

This beautiful Park’s protection extends to a portion of the easternmost end of the verdant Ituri jungle of pristine Congo basin, within the Democratic Republic of Congo. As far as elevation is concerned, the Protected Area sits on an area of 2198 to 2493 feet above sea level.

The magnificence of this Park includes protecting the only tract of lowland Tropical forest within the region and extends on the spectacular Semliki Valley floor, along the secluded western end of Rwenzori Mountains. The park is specifically found within Bwamba County, a secluded part of Bundibugyo District (western Uganda) while to its south-eastern end sits the jaw-dropping snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains then to its northern end rests the phenomenal Lake Albert.

History of Semliki National Park

Being one of the most ancient and biodiverse forests in the African Continent, the verdant lowland tropical rainforest is said to have survived the last Ice age between 12 and 18,000 years ago. Semliki has since October 1993 become a National Park, making it the most recent Park in the country. Between 1932 and October 1993, the Semliki area was managed as a Forest Reserve by the Colonial Government before being taken over by the Forest Department. The main aim of gazetting Semliki into a National Park was to protect the forests as an integral part of the different Protected Areas within the Albertine Rift Valley.

The interesting tourist attractions found within Semliki National Park


In a small Park National park (220 square kilometers) where over 60 mammal species including 27 species of large mammals and 11 primate species are protected is not to be overlooked. In Semliki National park you will come across the water chevrotain, Eastern chimpanzees (yes, you read it right), blue monkeys, Olive baboons, Hippopotamus, red-tailed monkeys, Pygmy scaly-tailed flying squirrel, African civets, Pottos, Central African red colobus monkeys, lions, leopards, Bay duikers, African elephants, Water chevrotain, De Brazza’s monkeys, the pygmy antelope, Bush babies, grey-cheeked mangabeys, Cape buffaloes, black and white colobus monkeys, plus so much more.

Numerous Bird species

This rarely-visited Ugandan pin-up offers shelters to over 441 species of birds that include over 60% of the country’s forest bird species as well as about 46 species of Guinea-Congo Biome endemics. Expect to see the Sassi’s Olive greenbul, Red-billed Dwarf hornbills, Chestnut-breasted Negrofinch, Orange-cheeked waxbill, Yellow-throated Nicator, African Piculet, red-billed Malimbe, Black-casqued wattled hornbills, Dwarf hornbills, Piping hornbills, White-throated Blue swallow, Nkulengu Rail, Red-rumped tinkerbird, Leaf Love, to mention but a few.

Breathtaking Natural features

Being close to Lamia and Semliki Rivers, Most animals of Semliki National Park gather around these water bodies. This Park is also synonymous with the jaw-dropping hot springs of Sempaya with hot mineral rich swamp thus drawing hundreds of animals to the salt licks.

The fascinating tourist activities to be enjoyed at Semliki National Park

Game Drives

It’s sometimes hard to convince travellers that thrilling game viewing experiences are provided in Semliki National Park. However, it diverse ecosystems in form of savannah plains make it possible for travellers to undertake game drives. The three well-maintained game tracks across the Park offers sights and sounds of forest and Bush elephants, leopards Hippos, Olive baboons, Defassa waterbucks, Cape buffaloes, Uganda Kobs, common warthogs and so much more.

Bird watching tours

Whichever activity you choose in Semliki National Park, hundreds of bird species will be encountered by the popular  birding spots are Sempaya hot springs, Kirumia River and Ntandi and where Piping hornbills, Yellow-throated Nicator, Red-billed Dwarf hornbills, Dwarf hornbills, red-billed Malimbe, Ross Turaco, African Piculet, Black-casqued wattled hornbills, to mention but a few.

Village Tours

For travellers looking for the extraordinary insight into the outstanding cultural heritage of Semliki sub-region, the village tours takes you to the Batwa. Get the rare insight into their hunter-gatherer lifestyle and learn how their lives depended on the forest for medicine, shelter, food and tools.

Guided nature walks

It is undoubted that there is no better way to come up-close and more personal with the wilderness and jungles of Semliki National Park than undertaking the guided nature walks. There is a small handful of trails that bring travellers closer to the Sempaya hot springs, wildlife and other natural features. Most visitors are attracted to the 13-kilometer Kirumia Trail that runs through the heart of the forest up to Semliki River. Don’t ignore the 11-kilometer Red Monkey Track passing through the eastern edge of the Park to the mighty Semliki River as well as the 8-kilometer Sempaya Nature Trail where the highlight of Semliki-Sempaya hot springs and a number of primate species can be sighted.

Chimpanzee Trekking

Whether you are a first-timer or a frequent chimpanzee trekker in Uganda, Semuliki National Park promises more secluded and unmatched experiences. While it doesn’t receive the attention like other destinations-Kibale National Park, Budongo Forest, Kyambura Gorge or Kalinzu Forest), the activity is magical here.

Accommodation options within or around Semuliki National Park

The few accommodation options for travellers to Semliki National Park are Semliki Safari Lodge, Mountains of the Moon Hotel in Fort Portal, Riviera Inn, Eriba Guesthouse, Rwenzori View Guesthouse, Rwenzori Travellers Inn, Ntoroko Game Lodge, Kirimia Guesthouse and National Park Bandas and Campsites, Hotel Vanilla, Semliki Guesthouse, Kyaninga Lodge, to mention but a few.

Travellers getting to Semuliki National Park

There are two main routes used by travellers getting to Semuliki National Park and all start from the Capital (Kampala). The Kampala-Mityana-Mubende-Fort Portal road extending for 111 miles in 4-5 hours is the commonest route.

The second route is the Kampala-Masaka-Mbarara-Kasese-Fort Portal road for 289 miles in 7-8 hours is also used, although considered longer but sometimes comes with stopovers at Lake Mburo, Queen Elizabeth and Rwenzori Mountains National Parks.

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