About Uganda

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Having safari destinations with remarkably diverse attractions is one thing travelers are treated to in Uganda and if your desire has always been to see a cocktail of everything Africa offers, then this is your place to be. This beautiful country derived its name from one of the Kingdoms that surprisingly comprises the largest part of southern Uganda, including the Capital.

Location and size of Uganda

This land-locked country is found in the East African region, with several countries sharing its borders-Democratic Republic of Congo in the west, Kenya to the East, South Sudan to the North, Rwanda to the south-west and Tanzania to the southern side, although part of its southern side is filled by Lake Victoria. Of the 93,065 square miles of this country, over 15% of covered by water and its size makes it the 79th largest country in the whole World.

Being in the African Great Lakes region, Uganda is marked by several remarkable features that are guaranteed of blowing your mind but its location in the Nile basin contradicts with the modified Equatorial climate.

History of Uganda

Before Colonial invasion, the people of Uganda were originally hunter-gatherers till 1700 to 2300 years back when Bantu-speaking people who began actively involving themselves in agriculture decided to move to the southern ends of Uganda. At the start of 1894, the region was under the rule of British Protectorate Government until 9th October 1962 when the country was finally liberated (gained Independence). From that time, the country was characterized by violent conflicts such as the 8-year rule of Idi Amin Dada until 1986 when the NRM Government took over power and restored peace.


Uganda boasts of a diverse ecosystem and landscape that encompasses Volcanic Mountains and hills, Lakes and Rivers, wetlands and savannah plains. On average, the country sits on an area of 900 meters above sea level. The western border is characterized by the Virunga Mountains (Gahinga, Muhabura and Sabyinyo), the sweeping Rwenzori range as well as the western Rift Valley. Mount Muhabura is 4127 meters above sea level, Mount Gahinga at 3473 meters and Mount Sabyinyo where Uganda, Rwanda and DRC meet is 3669 meters above sea level While Rwenzori Mountains range (popularly known as the Mountains of the Moon) towers at 5109 meters above sea level.

Just between Rwenzori Mountains range and Virunga Mountains are breathtaking Lakes George and Edward while the north-eastern border is marked by a strand of jaw-dropping Volcanic Mountains named Kadam, Morungole and Moroto, which all tower beyond 2750 meters above sea level. Mount Elgon in the Eastern border with Kenya is about 4321 meters above sea level. Lake Victoria extends for about 26,828 square miles, making it the largest freshwater Lake in Africa and is situated within the south-eastern side of Uganda. Besides Victoria, the other five magnificent Lakes in this country are Bisina in the East, Kyoga in Central-East, George and Edward in the south-west and Albert in the West.

Climate and best time to explore

Uganda experiences Tropical Climate that is modified by altitudes and presence of water bodies, with majority areas of the country receiving enough rainfall. It is about 500 millimeters in the north-eastern side and about 2000 millimeters in the verdant Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria.


The 2018 estimate put Uganda’s population at 42,729,036 people thus making it the 35th most populous country in the World and of this population, about 8.5 million people live in Kampala (the largest and Capital City).

What to see and do in Uganda

Murchison falls National Park, the largest and premier Protected Area in the country is about 1480 square miles with significant concentrations of lions, elephants, Rothschild giraffes, warthogs, Topis, Cape buffaloes, chimpanzees and others but what makes it even more exciting is the fact that it is dissected by the Victoria Nile. Queen Elizabeth National Park is 1978 square kilometers known for its tree climbing lions among other extraordinary features.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site in the south-western side of Uganda (Bwindi Impenetrable National Park) is where over half the World’s population of mountain gorillas is found while the stunning Rwenzori Mountains National Park (another UNESCO World Heritage Site) is popular for world-class mountaineering experiences.

The Primate Capital of the World is found in Uganda, in the name of Kibale Forest National Park offering over 13 species of primates that include chimpanzees, the grey-cheeked mangabeys, black and white colobus monkeys, to mention but a few. Unwinding is offered in Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria, Lake Bunyonyi or Mutanda among others.

Official Languages

The Official languages in Uganda are English and Kiswahili, much as the regional language can be used as medium of teaching in school (according to the Constitution). Each region boasts of different local languages but the commonly-spoken ones are Lusoga, Acholi, Rutooro, Japadhola, Luganda, Runyankole, Lango and Ateso among others.


The Local currency is Uganda Shillings (UGX) but upmarket Hotel rates, Park entrance fees and tourist activities are paid in US Dollars. Travellers are advised to always carry cash (preferably in local currency) for shopping because most of these places don’t have exchange points.

How to get there and around

Flights are the main means of getting to Uganda and the main gateway into this country is Entebbe International Airport, although visitors from neighboring countries can use any of the land border points.

When getting around the country, flights are the fastest and hassle-free means but for road transfers, renting a 4WD Vehicle is recommended. One thing you should always remember about driving in this country is that some roads are tarred while others pot-holed thus not for the faint-hearted.

Boda bodas as well as shared taxi vans (popularly referred as Matatus) offer faster and flexible connection between Cities but they have some of the most unbothered drivers/riders who most times don’t obey traffic rules.

Immigration and Visa procedures

All travellers entering Uganda have to do it lawfully and in accordance to the local laws, official formalities and guidelines. Therefore Visas (the single entry Uganda tourist visa, East African tourist visa, Diplomatic and official visas, multiple entry visas and Transit visas) are issued based on category and purpose of travel.

Time zone

UTC+3 (EAT) is the time zone of Uganda.

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