Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve
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Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is one of the phenomenal safari destinations in Uganda, but doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. This post will provide the ultimate guide on the location, size, history, attractions, tourist sites, places of lodging, when to visit and how to get to the secluded Protected Area.

Size and Location of Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

This secluded and tranquil Wildlife Reserve is sprawled within the north-eastern side of the country, with an area of 878 square miles thus making it the largest Wildlife Reserve as well as second largest Protected Area in Uganda (after Murchison falls National Park). It joins two other wonderful Protected Areas-Matheniko and Bokora Corridor Reserves within the Karamoja sub-region.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve stretches through a number of districts that include Kumi, Amudat, Bukedea, Katakwi, Nakapiripit, Bulambuli, Moroto, Napak and Kween. Majority of the Reserve’s landscape is marked by untouched savannah grassland as well as woodland grassland, dotted by riverine woodland as well as kopjes.

Establishment of Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

The area occupied by the majestic wildlife reserve used to be a grazing and hunting area until 1958 when its southern part was first made a “Debasien Animal Sanctuary”. A government-run project was established to change the land at the south of Greek River that was overexploited for agriculture into wildlife Conservation Area. The region was then expanded northwards in 1964 and renamed Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve.

The Reserve got its name from the surrounding community where “Pian” is a name of one of the Clans in the region.

What to see during tours of Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

This majestic Wildlife Reserve is one of the exciting safari destinations in Uganda with a wide range of unique animal species that you won’t see even in the popular Parks of Uganda. There are over 44 mammal species and some of the animals in this Reserve are Rothschild giraffes, Plains zebras, jackals, giant elands, Grant’s gazelles, African wild cats, cheetahs, Civets, spotted and striped hyenas, leopards, Jackals, serval cats, Cape buffaloes, Rock hyraxes, Bohor and Mountain reedbucks, Roan antelopes, Patas monkeys, impalas, Olive baboons, Crested porcupines, Klipspringers, Vervet monkeys, the Common and blue duikers, Uganda Kobs, Topis, the four-toed hedgehogs, Klipspringers, Defassa waterbucks, Aardvarks, Hare, Gunther’s Dik-dik, to mention but a few.


This remote Wildlife Reserve is also haven to the huge African rock pythons, savannah monitors, the water snakes, Geckos, the common agama, Puff adders, Chameleons, to mention but a few.


Over 242 bird species are found in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve and these include the Abyssinian ground hornbills, Ostriches, Great hartlaub’s bustard, fox weavers, Jackson’s hornbills, superb starlings, secretary birds, yellow-billed shrike and many others.

Things to do during Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve tours

Game Drives

Board your open-roof safari vehicle into the wilderness to search for the different animals that call the savannah plains, woodlands, Riverbanks and many other ecosystems of Pian Upe home. Game drives in this Protected Area are remote and secluded, with surprisingly few vehicles sharing the same space and goes through untamed landscape. Travellers are however advised to practice safe off-road driving practices while searching for the animals. Expect to see the rare cheetahs, African wild cats, the frisky plains zebras, Roan antelopes to mention but a few.

Community tours

In the surrounding local areas, community tours are conducted in the company of a local guide to learn the jaw-dropping culture and traditions of the pastoralist Karamojong, tour their homesteads (Manyatta) as they showcase some of their traditional dances, local cuisines.

Guided bush walks

Savour in the phenomenal guided bush walks to have a personal experience in the Wildlife Reserve to see the shy animals that hide in thickets, woodlands and other areas that can’t be explored by game drive. It is difficult to predict what specific animals or birds will be seen but just relax and make sure to have your binoculars and camera to capture the best shots of the wilderness.

Bird watching

Discover the swamps of this majestic Wildlife Reserve, with echoes of African fish eagles and many other areas to see the Ostriches majestically walk through the savannah plains.

Mountain hiking

The adventurous travellers can try their hands on hiking Mount Napak and Napak where breathtaking views of the Reserve’s sweeping plains, the different tree species that dot its landscape as well as numerous animal species.

Cycling tours

Try your energy at discovering the different wildlife species of the reserve via a bike while encountering Defassa waterbucks, Impalas, Cape buffaloes, Uganda Kobs, Giraffes, cheetahs, Ostriches, Roan antelopes, Olive baboons and many others.

Accommodation options for visitors to Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve features few accommodation facilities, although travellers can stay at the midrange Karamoja Overland Camp. This place of lodging has self-contained safari tents offering en-suite bathroom, comfortable bed, solar-powered lighting, and most importantly magnificent views.

There are also four budget Bandas owned by Uganda Wildlife Authority, offering clean showers, eco-toilets and many other amenities. However, the adventure seekers can try bush camping for a more intimate feel of the wilderness.

Getting to Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Set in North-eastern Uganda, the majestic wildlife reserve is over 7-8 hours’ drive from Kampala, along the Mbale-Moroto road.

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