Chimpanzee Habituation in Uganda


Chimpanzee habituation in Uganda. Book Now

Chimpanzee habituation is nothing like that powerful moment when the mystical scene opens up to you for the first time in the natural wonder of the world. Kibale Forest National Park is known in Africa as the top destination for chimpanzee habituation in Uganda with over 1000 chimpanzees in total spread all over the Park where chimp habituation takes place. Kibale National Park is located in Kabarole and Kamwenge district and is about a five to six hours drive from the capital city Kampala.

The forest boasts different chimpanzee habituated communities for trackers. Each visited 6 people per day and the tourist has to hold a permit which entitles you to a full day and includes a guide as well as park entrance fees. Seeing the chimps in their natural habitat is quite an amusement and an awesome experience. You will be lucky enough to observe some of the chimpanzees resting on the ground including a female with a baby which is ample time for photos and selfies which is not so easy when they are moving in the jungle. Due to light conditions and foliage and they’re being black cameras don’t easily focus quickly enough to get good shots. Good to be prepared for that. Nonetheless, it is an amazing experience hearing their raucous calls in the morning and following them around in the forest.

While having chimpanzee habituation experience in the Kibale Forest, it’s not only chimpanzees you will see. You will see a host of other things. Thirteen species of primates can be sought, and a good variety of diurnal monkeys is invariably encountered. Additionally, you may see elephants, buffaloes, bush pigs, and various bird species-the forest has 350 different bird species. The beauty and richness of the forest are seen in the exotic plants, trees, and butterflies. It is simply amazing. And you need to keep your eyes wide open so you do not miss anything.

The chimpanzee habituation permits cost USD 250 per person which drives you for a whole day to spend all their time with these chimps with informative guides who are ready to guide you in any kind of information you need. For one to fully enjoy this habituation experience, permit bookings have to be done 3 months prior to the actual day and if be it possible in the months of March to April and November when there is notably less congestion. One other thing to take note of is this experience is not for those feeble at heart

Best time for Chimpanzee habituation.

Chimpanzee habituation is open throughout the year. June, July, August and mid-September, and December to February are the driest months and are therefore the best times for this activity. Walking the trails is easier at this time and the overall experience tends to be more enjoyable.

What to carry on a chimpanzee habituation

Carry shoes that have a good grip/cover your uncles, suitable for climbing steep moist muddy slopes.

Strongly recommend carrying clothes that are long-sleeved as this will protect you from the pricking thickets as they move through the verdant jungle. Long trousers and blouses.

Do not forget rain gear, since the weather here is highly unpredictable.

Bring enough drinking water plus snacks to bite on.

All this gives you more of a reason to go for Chimpanzee Habituation because it is an exhilarating, educational, and adventurous experience you wouldn’t want to miss out on when Uganda is the most amazing place you have ever been to, where people don’t destroy this magic place and Ugandan keep it well in their natural habitat. Where everyone is very much liked to see the chimpanzees in their natural habitat relaxing and not in the zoo in cages. Very much beautiful place where we wish to see you making a remarkable experience with us.

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