Mount Elgon National Park


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Home to the 4th highest Peak in the East African region, Mount Elgon National Park is a stockpile in Uganda. It is haven to some of the most phenomenal and well-preserved sceneries in form of hair-raising Caves, breathtaking waterfalls, hot springs, mesas, Calderas, cliffs and Gorges that spice up wildlife experiences in this safari destination.

The remarkable Size and Location of Mount Elgon National Park

The iconic Mount Elgon National Park is set in the extreme eastern part of Uganda and extends for over 432 square miles. The main purpose of its establishment was to protect the outstanding extinct volcano with its extraordinary physical features. Popular for being one of Africa’s highest Mountains, Mount Elgon itself once towered to 19340 feet above sea level but because of the millennia of recurring erosions, the peak reduced to the current 14176 feet above sea level thus making it the 4th highest mountain summit in the region This also means it is the 8th highest in the Continent. This Volcano boasts of a 1544-square mile base, which surprisingly makes it the largest in the whole World.

The History of Mount Elgon National Park

The National Park derived its name from the dominant physical feature-Mount Elgon and received its first recognition (by the Uganda Protectorate Administration) in 1929 as a Forest Reserve. However, management shifted hands where it was then handed over to the Forestry Department. After being gazetted into a National Park in 1992, Management changed hands again, where it was taken over by Uganda Wildlife Authority.

What to see during safaris in Mount Elgon National Park


This park alone boasts of over 90 mammal species, which sounds unbelievable to many travellers who only know it for hiking and renowned Sipi falls. Surprisingly, there are duikers, Defassa waterbucks, Aardvarks, duikers, Olive baboons, bushbucks, spotted hyenas, forest elephants, black and white colobus monkeys, Civets, Blue monkeys, serval cats, Olive baboons, leopards, forest buffaloes, Vervet monkeys, Giant forest hogs, DeBrazza’s monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, tree squirrels and even bush pigs among others.

Colorful species of birds

When it comes to birding in the park, you will be amazed by over 300 species that comprise 40 species that are confined to the area as well as Guinea-Congo Biome species. Interestingly, there are also 56 of the 87 Afro-tropical highland biome species in this Park. The Hartlaub’s Turaco, Alpine chat, Tacazze sunbirds, Black-collared Apalis, Jackson’s Spurfowl, Moustached green tinkerbird, Jackson’s francolin, Lammergeyer, the iconic Moorland francolin, the Eastern bronze-napped pigeons and Black-shouldered Kites are some of the stunning feathered beauties to look-out for.


While the likes of Bwindi, Kibale and Mgahinga Forests are most visited by Lepidopterists, Mount Elgon National Park wins them hands-down for offering half the country’s butterfly species. Not only that, the extraordinary creatures such as Maathai’s longleg (endangered dragonfly specie named after Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Prize Winner) are also found here.

Breathtaking sceneries and landscapes

Mount Elgon National Park is also known for its jaw-dropping sceneries and landscapes that include Calderas, Hot springs, Caves (such as Kitum), Mountain peaks, Gorges, natural pools, Mesas and Cliffs, to mention but a few.

Fascinating things to be done during safaris to Mount Elgon National Park

Guided walks

Guided walks are one of the most popular things to do in Mount Elgon National Park, made possible by the numerous hiking trails that offer varying levels of difficulty. For each chosen trail, be prepared for breathtaking views of forest animals, colorful feathered beauties and montane vegetation. Most visitors prefer the all-day hike from Budadiri to the stunning Mudange Cliffs (walls of death) at the border of the Park.

Mountain Climbing

The physically fit and adventure seekers to the park book to climb until its highest peak at Wagagai. Trails range from 4-7 days for a round trip but stop at different points and involve encountering different attractions along the way.

The popular Sasa Trail is the shortest (4 days) but goes through community land, Jackson’s pool (natural pool) before reaching Wagagai peak.

The Sipi trail takes about 4-6 days via stunning Caves like Tutum, enters a beautiful Caldera until Wagagai while Piswa Trail is 7 days a round trip from Kapkwata village (northern end of the Mountain) to Podacarpus forest. For this long trail, hikers are offered views of Karamoja plains and Kapeguria hills in Kenya.

Thrilling Mountain Biking

Another remarkable option for discovering Mount Elgon National Park is mountain biking and obviously suited for travellers looking to unearth a larger area and taste their adrenaline side. Sipi Trading Center is the starting point and heads to Chema Hill in the Town of Kapchorwa while relishing views of breathtaking waterfalls, the sweeping plains of Karamoja and coffee plantations.

Bird watching

You will definitely be spoilt for choice during bird watching in the park because there are many wonderful places to enjoy the activity and they include the Sipi falls Area, Caves and Kapkwai Forest Exploration Center where African Goshawk, Baglafecht weavers, Bronze napped pigeons, African Goshawk, African blue flycatcher, Cinnamon bee-eaters, Chubb’s Cisticola, Black Kites, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Hartlaub’s Turaco, Chinspot Batis, Tacazze sunbirds, to mention but a few. Bird watching can be undertaken throughout the year.

Community Tours

Spend some quality time interacting with the people living around Mount Elgon National Park through Community Tours where the main focus is on coffee farming (from harvesting coffee beans, drying, roasting, packaging and drinking). Uganda’s finest Arabica coffee that have contributed the country’s position as “biggest coffee exporter in Africa” are grown on the fertile volcanic soils of Mount Elgon. A stop to Sipi Widows’ Group and Budadiri Community Walks Ecotourism Experience will give an insight into the process of coffee farming.

Invigorating Rock Climbing

Get braced with climbing ropes and other equipment to ascend the beautiful Rocks around Sipi falls area via different routes that range from 15 meters to 35 meters high.

Sleeping options for Mount Elgon visitors

There are few but remarkable places of lodging for travellers who explore Mount Elgon National park and they include Twilight Campsite, Mount Elgon View Hotel, Masha Hotel, Kapkwata Guesthouse, Mount Elgon Hotel, Crow’s Nest Camp, Mbale Resort Hotel, Sipi River Lodge, Kapkwai Forest Cottages, Wash and Wills Country Home, Savannah Guesthouse, Sasa River Camp, Rose’s Last Chance, Sipi Falls Resort, Lacam Lodge, Mount Elgon Guesthouse, Suam Guesthouse, Kayegi Hotel, Noah’s Ark Hotel, to mention but a few.

Reaching the Park


Flights can be chartered from Entebbe International Airport to the secluded Soroti Airstrip, approximately 58 miles from Mbale Town before proceeding to Mount Elgon National Park in a 2-hour road trip.


Mount Elgon National Park is about 146 miles from the Capital and mainly accessed via the Eastern route-Kampala-Jinja-Iganga-Soroti-Mbale marked by tarmac and murram.

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